Well there I went skipping weeks again. Sorry about it guys, I promise I'll try harder. My regular photographer has been working her butt off lately so maybe we can get back on a schedule soon. Now this outfit has been tested and proven by yours truly. I did, however have some help though from my lovely friend (and photographer) Rilee. We went to see the new movie "Nerve" last night and she came over while I was trying to decide on outfits. I asked, "Do you like this better tucked and with the white cape thing?" She said, " I liked tucked with the cape thing the best." What would I do without her? Oh in case you were wondering, the movie was really good too. Dave Franco is so cute and Emma Roberts is goals. Plus, Machine Gun Kelly was pretty cool too. ;)

Now on to the details, this shirt and "white cape thing" are from Forever 21 and they were pretty recent purchases. These shorts are from American Eagle but they aren't on the website anymore. This necklace is form the local $5 jewelry show. My ring was a gift from my mom for graduation but it's one of the Pandora rings. These are the other pair of sunglasses I talked about in my last post. Now if you wanted to dress this up a little you could add a cute pair of sandals instead of black converse. It would also look just as good untucked and without the kimono (I guess that's what we'll call it). I just love this shirt and kimono. The shirt has very thin horizontal stripes and the kimono has some lace inlets in the front and back. Well y'all, I guess that's all for today!
With Love,
Woah guys, it's been a hot minute since I've had an outfit for you wonderful people!! This week has been extremely crazy and not in the best way. I wont overload you with details but it does feel good to be back. Now I know we've seen this shirt and vest before but not together. I wore this outfit a few weeks ago to Father's Day diner with my papaw and I knew i just had to blog it for you guys!
This shirt, vest, and hat are all from Forever 21. I have to say again how much I love this vest. It is so soft and so fun. This outfit is definitely hippy inspired with the fringe vest, big sleeves, and floppy hat. Now if you wanted to dress this up a little, you could swap the shorts (from American Eagle BTW) with some cropped pants and booties and maybe add a cute necklace. These fabulous sunglasses are from Charming Charlie and they were 2 for $15 so you might see the other pair later. The other ones are my Jaclyn Hill sunglasses because she's the bomb (her channel: Jaclyn Hill). If you're not obsessed with makeup, you will be after you watch her.

Well well well, what do with have here? Two, slightly overweight, little furballs who I love dearly. It's no doubt that I am a total cat person and I have no shame in it either. I love fashion almost as much as I love them! I hope you all have had a good summer so far and always remember to make time for your friends. My friends and I will all be off to college this fall (me by myself) and I know I'll miss them all like crazy. I had thought of doing a dorm room haul because some of the stuff I've found is too cute not to share, so let me know if you guys are down for that. Well, I'm off to play some cornhole and enjoy my 4th of July weekend! Thanks for reading!
All my love,