This verse is used everywhere for everything you could imagine. It is my favorite but lately the constant use of it has worn me out. I have stopped hearing the meanings of the words and the true weight they carry for me. I have struggled for some time with my self-confidence and being comfortable in my own skin. Mirrors were places to criticize and perfect what was already perfected. Throughout high school, I compared myself to the other girls and always found myself lacking. Even today, I catch myself fighting to be content with how I look. Old habits die hard. Since starting college, I have learned that this comparison has been the thief of my joy. I was making myself unhappy because of things I thought I didn't have. Truth is, I already have everything I could ever need. Jesus took care of everything, forever.
This verse reminds me that even on the days I still feel like I'm not enough, I am still loved by the KING of KINGS. Isn't that awesome? The Heavenly Father has created me with a purpose. He has a great plan for my life, one beyond my wildest dreams. He knows the innermost workings of my heart. He knows my prayers even before I pray them. He knows exactly how I feel when I am unhappy or angry or overwhelmed. He loves me that much, so much I can't explain it. He loves you that much too.
"So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are"
Come As You Are - Crowder
This song reminds me that there is no feeling I can feel that my Heavenly Father doesn't understand. He knows just what I need. "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't cure." The things we feel everyday are no comparison to the joy of Heaven. I have been blessed beyond measure in this season of my life. I have been given the encouragement to change this blog into a work for the Kingdom. I have the opportunity to reach people on my campus in ways I never had before. None of these things I could have planned for myself. All these things are gifts from God; all part of His great plan.
I want to encourage you all that God has a great plan for your life. It's hard to understand sometimes but I promise, if you look closely, you will see Him moving in your life.
With love,