Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Purposefully Created

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14

This verse is used everywhere for everything you could imagine. It is my favorite but lately the constant use of it has worn me out. I have stopped hearing the meanings of the words and the true weight they carry for me. I have struggled for some time with my self-confidence and being comfortable in my own skin. Mirrors were places to criticize and perfect what was already perfected. Throughout high school, I compared myself to the other girls and always found myself lacking. Even today, I catch myself fighting to be content with how I look. Old habits die hard. Since starting college, I have learned that this comparison has been the thief of  my joy. I was making myself unhappy because of things I thought I didn't have. Truth is, I already have everything I could ever need. Jesus took care of everything, forever. 

This verse reminds me that even on the days I still feel like I'm not enough, I am still loved by the KING of KINGS. Isn't that awesome? The Heavenly Father has created me with a purpose. He has a great plan for my life, one beyond my wildest dreams. He knows the innermost workings of my heart. He knows my prayers even before I pray them. He knows exactly how I feel when I am unhappy or angry or overwhelmed. He loves me that much, so much I can't explain it. He loves you that much too.

"So lay down your hurt
Lay down your heart
Come as you are"
Come As You Are - Crowder

This song reminds me that there is no feeling I can feel that my Heavenly Father doesn't understand. He knows just what I need. "Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't cure." The things we feel everyday are no comparison to the joy of Heaven. I have been blessed beyond measure in this season of my life. I have been given the encouragement to change this blog into a work for the Kingdom. I have the opportunity to reach people on my campus in ways I never had before. None of these things I could have planned for myself. All these things are gifts from God; all part of His great plan. 

I want to encourage you all that God has a great plan for your life. It's hard to understand sometimes but I promise, if you look closely, you will see Him moving in your life. 

With love,


  1. Dearest Em, You have made me feel, even at my age, I still have a purpose! Thank you for your submission to The Holy Spirit in your life. You are making a difference in others☺ I love you, Carolyn

    1. Thank you so much! Your support and love is always appreciated

  2. Sweetie, you are doing what's good and right for the kingdom of God. Who can be against

  3. What a thoughtful post. You beautifully touched on the many aspects of starting a new life away from the comforts of home. You are on your way to brighter things in life. Never stop learning from every situation God places you in. You got this!! ~Kerry

