First on the list, I would love for you guys to leave suggestions on this post of things you would like to see in the future. Next, I'm going to try and post every Saturday, simply because that's the easiest for my schedule. Third, I would love your feedback on posts, so don't hesitate to leave a comment. If you want to know when I upload my posts, you can follow me on twitter (@emilyghutson). You can also use this to get me your suggestions. Plus every once in a while I actually tweet something funny, but it's rare.
I was sitting in the living room the other day and my dad asked me why I wanted to start a blog. This got me thinking that maybe you all would like to know a bit of backstory on me. If there's anything you would want to know, you can leave me some questions in the comments and I'll try to answer all of them or if you just need some advice on life. If you all want some posts about makeup or more about life in general, I can do that too. My best friend is the bomb at makeup and her obsession has rubbed off on me. This is the same friend that takes all the pictures for my blog and spellchecks/proofreads all my posts because I'm a horrible speller. I can't assure you that posts with advice will help because I'm still figuring out life, but aren't we all?
I would also like to point out that I get a lot of inspiration from other people. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and read people's blogs. Some of these include: Tanya Burr, Zoella, and Jaclyn Hill. I also get like 85% of my clothes at Forever 21. They are usually very affordable but things go quick, believe me. I lost out a great handbag this week. *insert sad face here* My of the jeans that I buy are from Hollister and I always buy them on sale because otherwise the price is crazy.
Well now that I've thoroughly gotten off topic, I think it's time to wrap it up. I want to encourage you to leave some suggestions or questions or both, whatever you feel. I want to say thanks again and thanks in advance for the suggestions. And if you ever have any questions about styling a certain piece, I will try my best to answer them. My fashion philosophy is if you like it, wear it, who cares what anyone else thinks!
Love Emily
idk who dat friend is but she takes good pics lol